Editura ASCR
Best Practices for the Gamification of Social Inclusion in Online Learning (epub)
Best Practices for the Gamification of Social Inclusion in Online Learning (epub)
Anca Mustea, Casandra Timar-Anton, Oana Negru-Subtirica, Bianca Marinica, Bogdan Glavan, Isabelle Dielwart, Belinda Hibbel, Susan Branje, Elisabetta Crocetti, Francesca Golfieri, Rasa Erentaitė, Jurgita Jurkevičienė, Saulė Raižienė, Titty Varghese, Dainor
ISBN 978-606-977-074-0
This gamification manual explains and offers best practices and examples of how the PROMIS project partners gamified contents related to social inclusion, in order to help other teachers and developers of online educational courses understand how gamification can be used as a pedagogical strategy for digital natives.
This gamification manual can be useful for teachers, online course developers, and private companies who want to use gamification to increase social responsibility. We, the project partners, hope that it can become a core reference for online course developers in the area of social issues.
This gamification manual can be useful for teachers, online course developers, and private companies who want to use gamification to increase social responsibility. We, the project partners, hope that it can become a core reference for online course developers in the area of social issues.